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Deceptive Propaganda

Time and the internal situation probably compel India even to hook up the same doctrine to heal the domestic sores. We admit the prowess and ability of Indian yellow propaganda machinery that is competent enough to fabricate precise ceaseless propaganda to attain in a certain desired political focal point but merely for the time being.

Ruby Kakati first Runner Up


1st Runner Up (2nd): Ruby Kakati, 20, Manchester

Manchester born and bred straight A grade student and football fanatic Ruby Kakati says ‘I was dazed when my name was announced, it was a total shock, I am over the moon with gaining a title and think the title went to the best woman on the day, I am really happy for Suky’

Good Sense Prevail At Last!!

Dear Friends,

While the cell phone industry has grown at a tremndous pace, in India, thanks to the short sighted policy of the government, its growth was hindered in Assam, and the North east on the pretext that it is a security threat. As a result the Reliance mobile, was able to squander huge monopoly profits. It is evident from the fact that while, cell phone charges have crashed almost all over India, in Guwahati they continue to be very high.

Boats Sole Means Of Reaching Dhemaji via NH 52

Dear Friends,
Many of you must have already read this news item in Still for those of you who haven't I am sending the following news item of The Assamtribune published on 11th Aug. 2002.

Subhasish Baruah,
Guwahati, Assam.

N.B. The link for reading the news item in case you are intersted is :

Guwahati, Sunday, August 11, 2002